The Global Weather & EAS Society released it’s public EAS resources for the 2023 calendar year Sunday. Along with these resources, GWES has also made some changes to improve the user experience on the website.

The testing calendars and EAS map have been GWES’s flagship resources over the past couple of years. The testing schedules have been combined, with toggles for both western and eastern regions.

GWES also plans to add to it’s EAS resources. A new database system that will allow users to view information about broadcast stations across the country is currently in the works.

This database will give users easy access to information gathered by the Ultimate EAS Project (UEP).

A major focus for this year, is creating resources that the general public can use. And when I say general public, I mean, those who know nothing about EAS.

Later this year, you can expect GWES to produce many instructional/educational videos to explain EAS.

Check back here on the GWES blog for more information as it becomes available!

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