It’s been quite a hiatus since our last episode, but I have returned to the writing chair for another round of random alert improvements that you probably didn’t know or expect would happen but are interesting to me (and others).

Telemundo went to the iPAWS Testing Facility before the NPT and HEY LOOK IT’S A DASDEC III
FCC Orders Improvements to WEA Alerts
WEA (Wireless Emergency Alerts) will be getting improvements due to recent improvements in reliability, accessibility, and clarity.
Multilingual Support
With support and compliance with cellular data providers, alerts will soon be able to be broadcast in 13 languages, including the American Sign Language (ASL). According to iPAWS, the 13 languages include Spanish, Chinese, Tagalog, Vietnamese, Arabic, French, Korean, Russian, Haitian Creole, German, Hindi, Portuguese and Italian.
This will likely increase the accessibility of emergency alerts for individuals of all backgrounds.
New Location-Based Mapping Application
Yes, you heard that correctly! Your phone will soon be able to show its location in relative to a wireless alert. This will require support from device manufacturers (e.g. Apple) and from cell data companies like AT&T and T-Mobile (This feature is only available in the USA)
Think of this feature like a pocket version of PBS – WARN (good website to see what WEAs are where, bookmark it)
Prerequisites of this feature include:
- Devices that have access to a mapping application
- The alert’s target area is specified by a circle or polygon
- The device has enabled location services
- User has granted location permissions to its native mapping application
Apple Beta Software of iOS 17.2 has a new toggle in emergency alerts, called “Local Awareness”……Coincidence?

PSA: I test software, but please don’t do this unless you’re 100% sure you want to and you can
Interested in a WEA?
Alerting Authorities can now send two (2) live code alerts per county (or equivalent) per year without approval from FEMA/FCC, so long that they provide notice to the public that it is a test beforehand.
Is my carrier supported
It may be. FEMA will be providing further information about this (and a public database) of supported carriers in the future, and we will create another episode about this if necessary.
SAGE Digital ENDEC 3644 – Rev96:
For the 5th time, there is a delay to Rev96. SAGE Alerting Systems is still unsure on a release date; however, it is still being worked on. This update is crucial that it is installed by the 12th of December, as new rules regarding CAP Alerts and wording of emergency alerts takes effect. Rev96 may also contain other features that we are unaware of, but as of now we are not sure about what.
National EAS Test was a Success:
It went viral because the WEA was sent two minutes “early”, which is funny because people still think it activated zombie genes and 5G brain manipulation (hoaxes amiright?)
EAS Fact of the Entry:
While almost all FCC event codes are supported in EAS Equipment, Snow Squall Warning (SQW) is not.
Newer codes like Extreme Wind Warning (EWW), and Storm Surge Products are, but SQW is not. This is because the NWS rarely uses this code, and not all offices will tone these (or even correctly, PHI)
Interesting Stream Update:
While remaining the LP of Puerto Rico, WKAQ has been sold, likely making it not a streamer. Will continue to monitor and see what happens when they randomly send their monthly test.
Criteria Update:
WCEI/WINX send Civil Emergency Messages (CEMs), after a CEM was issued for Caroline County, MD