The Global Weather & EAS Society has come a long way in it’s history since 2015. This year, on March 16th 2023, we are celebrating our 6th year on our Discord server. We are also happy to report that we have seen our biggest growth in our history, jumping from just under 500 members at the beginning of the year, to over 610 now! While we celebrate the creation of the Discord server, let’s take a trip down memory lane, and how we got to this point.

The Beginnings

When the founders of GWES started the group in 2015, Discord wasn’t around. Remember Skype? We wouldn’t blame you if you don’t. That’s where GWES first resided in it’s first identity, known as WEC15.

In 2017, the group decided to check out the new social platform on the block, Discord. No other EAS/Weather group had, at the time, taken the plunge into creating a server on the platform. It was then, on March 16th, 2017, that GWES finally joined Discord. Well, kinda. At first, the group had rebranded itself as IWEA, also known as the ‘International Weather and EAS Aficionados.

By the time I had personally joined in early 2018, IWEA had been rebranded into the identity that we all know today, GWES.

In 2023, on February 28th, GWES changed up its look significantly with new branding to help propel GWES into the future of the EAS community. Although many don’t like it, our old logo had been used since GWES was introduced!

Looking Forward

GWES has evolved greatly over the years, adding many things that have become commonplace around the community, such as free resources for anyone looking to chase, and catch alerts. Our website is regularly updated with all the latest information for enthusiasts!

Recently, to better serve the community, GWES switched up it’s leadership style. The Leadership Council was created in order to better organize the minds within the staff team. This also opened up many opportunities for outreach within the community.

Thanks to all of the hard work over the years from our staff team, and all of the members of our community, GWES has grown to be one of the most well-known faces within the wider community.

We could not thank you enough for joining us on this journey. Here’s to another 6 years of this amazing community, and we hope you join us for that.


Stay weather-aware with the GWES CAR mobile app, available on iOS!
Stay weather-aware with the GWES CAR mobile app, available on iOS!
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