You may have heard the term “GWES Media” thrown around lately. You may ask yourself, “what in the world is GWES Media?” We take an inside look into who they are, and what they do for the community!

Who makes it up?

With new changes across the board with the operations of GWES, I deemed it necessary to have a dedicated team, managing media. The team, devoted to improving quality of content produced with GWES branding, currently consists of 3, including myself.

Since creating the media division, I have added Marley, and Jon to join me in creating content. Marley, the social media manager, runs the IP station KALT. Jon, a writer for the blog, also runs their IP station, WJON.

What do they do?

Jon, our newest addition to the division, currently writes for the GWES blog, by creating “Jon’s Journal.” Jon’s Journal is a segment that will be recurring, especially after the holiday season. “I’ve been writing things down.” said Jon. The segment is all about the random occurrences that happen in the world of EAS and weather.

Jon’s Journal currently has no set schedule, but expected to be bi-weekly or weekly.

Marley, our social media manager, currently manages our social media platforms, hence the title. Currently, GWES operates on two major social media platforms, Twitter, and TikTok.

Most likely, when you see a TikTok post, or a tweet on Twitter, Marley was the one to write it. Luckily, Marley does a great job creating engaging content on both platforms, creating content everyone can enjoy.

What is their goal?

The new division’s main goal, is to try creating engaging content, that all in the community can enjoy.

Even after some backlash from the community, we continue forward, evolving to find different content types. We hope one day to create content that can lead people into the enthusiast community.

Future Plans

In the near future, we want to evolve into a position to where we can be a vehicle for learning, helping new enthusiasts understand complex portions of EAS and weather. Right now, we are working on new resources to help improve community-wide knowledge.

All that GWES media does, has the end goal of improving the community, in one way or another. If you have any comments on what media can do differently, or just general feedback, it is greatly appreciated! Click here to get in contact with GWES!

Stay weather-aware with the GWES CAR mobile app, available on iOS!
Stay weather-aware with the GWES CAR mobile app, available on iOS!
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