Our Community Guidelines

We hold a basic set of community guidelines that govern the behavior of our community members in order to continue to keep GWES as a safe place for enthusiasts to enjoy their hobbies in EAS and weather.
Any questions about the enforcement of our community guidelines should be directed to a support ticket in the Discord server or email [email protected]
Note: Our staff team have full discretion when applying any moderative action across the platforms we are present on.

Rule 1

No bullying, harassing, or making unwelcome or uncalled for remarks against members. This includes any form of bigotry or disrespecting members based on their characteristics.
GWES is an inclusive community, and has zero-tolerance for racism, LGBT+phobia, bigotry against faith or against the lack thereof, and any forms of discrimination. This includes the use of slurs for racial, national, sexual or gender identity, or religious backgrounds, and hateful or insidious comments about one’s race, nationality, sexual or gender orientation, and religious backgrounds

Rule 2

No spam. This includes excessive use of all-caps, spam-pinging, and posting excessive media in #general.
You may ping GWES Staff for urgent issues.

Rule 3

No NSFW or NSFL content of any kind.
Remember that this community is friendly to those 13 and up. While certain jokes could be permitted, no NSFW-adjacent or suggestive media should be brought into the community and talk of explicit sexual activity is absolutely prohibited. Staff will have the power to interpret what crosses the line respective of what makes members uncomfortable.

Rule 4

Keep things in their appropriate channels.
As for #general, most things are allowed, but if a conversation turns to a specific topic, it’s recommended that you turn it to that specific channel.

Rule 5

No taking drama from other places and bringing it in here. Use official support tickets or report drama to a staff’s DMs instead.
Since our founding, GWES has been a haven for the entire community to get away from other drama or personal fights between community members. We take this role very seriously and intend to stop drama as soon as it begins. If you have an issue with a member, use support tickets or DM a staff member.

Rule 6

Take any matters of serious concern to a ticket, staff member, or to a professional.
Note: We do not have a venting channel, and we are not intended to be a support group for immediate matters that require professional help. Staff may re-direct you to outside resources if we are unable to help ourselves, though we will try to assist you in any way possible to find the appropriate resource.

Rule 7

Discussion of controversial or overtly political topics, including misinformation, should be kept to a minimum. 
Generally speaking, “political” conversations should not be a frequent feature of the server, and we will enforce this rule according to the needs of our server and our members. “Controversial” issues can include any drama involving the EAS and weather community and also any intentional misinformation. All weather and EAS misinformation will be subject to deletion.

Rule 8

Engaging in illegal activity is prohibited.
This includes the promotion of illegal activities, distribution of illegal material, or any other illegal activity that involves our members, or the interests represented by this community, and will result in a permanent ban.

Enforcement of these guidelines

GWES utilizes a “three-strike” system. Breaking one rule will result in one strike, with the exception of rule 8.

Some violations will result in messages being deleted by staff members, as well as verbal warnings for a majority of first-time offenders.

Strikes expire after 6 months, from which they are removed.

Once you hit 3 strikes, you are banned from GWES for 6 months.

Getting 3 strikes a second time, will typically result in a permanent ban.

If you are banned, you may appeal your ban by clicking here

Stay weather-aware with the GWES CAR mobile app, available on iOS!
Stay weather-aware with the GWES CAR mobile app, available on iOS!
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Download the App! Download the App!